понеделник, 16 април 2012 г.


Защо в архивите от 19-ти век не се споменават компютри?


1. Тъй като са наричали компютрите с общото име  "парни машини"!


2. Поради незаинтересоваността на руснаците, които били свикнали със сметалото!


3. Заради заговор на англоговорящите гърци, унищожавали методично всички документи с тази дума, за да я присвоят!


4. Тъй като със съгласието на Великите сили през 1980г. е направен българския компютър "Правец 8"!


5. Поради църковната пропаганда и Инквизицията, позволяващи правенето само на дървени компютри!


6. ...

(Съжалявам, но не се предлагат повече решения на Вашия език. За пълния набор възможности отидете на Control Panel и изберете друг език.)



1-во място: Хич не четете тук, то е за Ендрю;

2-ро място: Екскурзия из Молдавските планини;

3-то място: Вечеря в световноизвестен скопски ресторант със звездата Лекапина;

Утешителна награда: Копие на султанската сабя, предадена на русите през Кримската война.

Успех на всички!


Оригинален пост: http://vihren.blog.mk/2010/12/19/viktorina-komputers/

12 коментара:

  1. 54 Responses to “ Викторина-векарина-лекапина ”
    # 1 Борис Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 20:33
    Участвайте, докато някой друг не е обрал наградите! ))

    # 2 2 beers Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 20:38
    Забрави и за ПОБЕДИТЕЛЯТ в Кримската война – РУСИЯ бре!


    # 3 2 beers Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 20:41
    Не си правя труда да ги регистрирам всички простотии на корки, но явно е, че си струва. Поздравления, Борис. Отлична работа. направи изкуВство

    Както викат сърбите на развален МАКЕДОНСКИ – еГстра :)

    # 4 Андреј Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 20:42
    Можете да ми свиркате под прозоерче


    In 1774 Johann Thunman, a Baltic German, introduced the idea that the Bulgarians were of Tataric origin.

    A year later Venelin published, again with Pogodin’s help, his first book “Drevnie i nynesnie bolgare v politiceskom, narodopisnom, istoriceskom i religioznom ih otnosenii k rossijanam” (The ancient and the present Bulgarians in their political, ethnographical, historical and religuous relationship to the Russians). In this book, he defended the idea that Bulgarians were of Slavic descent, and not Tatar or Scythian. It would be interesting to know whether Venelin was familiar with Rajic’s work, but this is impossible to establish.

    # 5 Андреј Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 20:43
    Scholars Claim Bulgarians Descended from Iran


    кога ке се решите што сте јавете се …

    # 6 Андреј Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 20:44
    Bulgarian Expedition Travels to Iran in Search of Roots


    # 7 Андреј Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 20:44
    DNA Analysis Reveals Pamir Origin of Bulgarians


    # 8 Андреј Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 20:45
    Словенски народ сте колку што циганите се бразилци …

    # 9 2 beers Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 20:46
    In 1774 Johann Thunman introduced the idea that the FYROMIANS were of Mongolic origin.

    Па ти сеа види, корки! Еве, отиде “едентитето” дори и с “аргументиве” в стил САНУ-МАНУ :)

  2. # 10 Андреј Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 20:47
    А може и ова има логика:

    t is difficult to say ancient Bulgarians had Turkic, Iranian or Slavic origin, the obvious fact is that they lived in regions which were first inhabited by Iranian-speaking peoples, then Turkic and at last Slavic peoples, so there could be certainly some influences from these different cultures on Bulgarian culture, the interesing thing is that in Persian we call a a very mixed thing as “Balghur”, very similar to Perian word for “Bulgarian”, maybe because of the famous food Bulgur

    # 11 2 beers Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 20:47
    “….DNA Analysis Reveals Pamir Origin of Bulgarians







    # 12 Андреј Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 20:49
    “In 1774 Johann Thunman introduced the idea that the FYROMIANS were of Mongolic origin.”

    Изјава на бугарска глуперда …

    In 1774 Johann Thunman, a Baltic German, introduced the idea that the Bulgarians were of Tataric origin.

    Janette Sampimon во нејзиниот докторат…

    # 13 Андреј Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 20:50
    Пивовски тоа се ваши новини ваши научници вачи експедиции.

    Затоа престанете да серете по блогерајот. Оставете простор и на другите блогери нешто да напишат.

    Во меѓувреме продолжете да си го барате минатото.

    # 14 Борис Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 20:51
    Благодаря, 2 beers. Добавен бе нов отговор, който бях пропуснал – заради църквата и Инквизицията ))

    Ендрю, не се поти, брат! Нали се разбрахме, че колкото и да се стараят другите първото място е за теб? Да не забравиш частенето, ей! ))

    Викторината е отворена, можете да прибавяте и други отговори ))

  3. # 15 2 beers Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 20:51
    “…А може и ова има логика:

    t is difficult to say ancient Bulgarians had Turkic, Iranian or Slavic origin, the obvious fact is that they lived in regions which were first inhabited by Iranian-speaking peoples,..”

    А може и ова да има:

    “….Во некрополата „Млака” пред тврдината во Дебреште, Прилеп, откопани се гробови со наоди од доцниот 7. и 8. век. Тие се делумно или целосно кремирани и не се ниту ромејски, ниту словенски. Станува збор најверојатно, за Кутригурите.”

    # 16 2 beers Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 20:54
    In 1774 Johann Thunman, a Baltic German, introduced the idea that the Bulgarians were of Tataric origin.

    Janette Sampimon во нејзиниот докторат…

    И уще од докторато:

    “In 1774 Johann Thunman introduced the idea that the FYROMIANS were of Mongolic origin.”

    Ако не си съгласен, монголецо, ПОКАЖИ го докторато па да ВИДИМЕ къде сте вие монголците у схемата?? Т.е. да го водиме ВАШИОТ произход у докторато! Аре бе КОРКАЧ!

    # 17 Андреј Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 20:55
    И што ако бе Пивовски. Цела Македонија од Прилеп ли се изродила.. е глупердо една …

  4. # 18 Андреј Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 20:55
    Еве ти уште малку ваша наука


    For a very long time the oldest cradle of the Bulgarian tribe remained hidden for the scrutiny of science. Some looked for it in Altai and Mongolia, others, like D. Susulov, N. Stanishev, in Tarim, to the East of Pamir. There were others who looked to the North, in the Caucasus,and still others considered Bulgarians to be Europeans, akin to the Thracians. It is only in the last years that we found some guiding lights in thiscomplex mazeway of hypotheses. The most important one relates to the newly found inscriptions, written in the language of the Bulgarian rulers KUBRAT and ASPARUH. In their form those inscriptions remind very much of the East Pamir languages(Vakhan (Vahi), Ishkashim , Mundjan , Sarikoli and Darvaz), which is an indicating that the landof origin of the ancient Bulgarians was not Europe, neither was it Mongolia or Turkestan It was somewhere in PAMIR and HINDUKUSH . We get the same evidence from the peculiar words KAVHAN, TARKAN, ZHOPAN, ZERA, KALU, SETIT, and others, which can be found in the old Bulgarian inscription in Greek. Such concepts are unknown to the Mongols and the Turkic people, but they are well known to the people of Pamir. Anthropological research also shows that ancient Bulgarians have lived some time in the past in Pamir. In their physical appearance the old Bulgarians resembled very much the Pamir-Fergan racial type, that originated in the southern and the most civilized part of Central Asia. According to the oldest Armenian geography “the Bulgarians were among the 15 peoples “who inhabited once the land between Turkestan and the Areans in the foots of the mountain Imai” (Imeon is today Pamir and Hindukush).Since the name Turkestan was used before 6-7th century for the land beyond Sur-Darya, and the word “areans” was the name for the people in the Persian region of Area, this description indicates that the Bulgarians have lived at some period to the East of Persia and to the West of Sur-Darya – the mountains of Pamir and Hindukush. On the geographic map, appended to “Ashharatsuits”, recently published by academician S. Eremyan, the name of the Bulgarians is located exactly at the point where the western ranges of the Imeon mountains meet it snorthern ranges – the Zervansh crest of Pamir. In the well known Latin anonymous Chronograph of 345, the name of the ancient Bulgarians is used as a replacement of the old Baktrinians, who inhabited the lands near the Pamir and the Hindukush.

  5. This is to show that for the compilers of this early historical source the Bulgarians were a part of the peoples inhabiting the region between Persia and Turkestan. Two more facts deserve attention. In the northern parts of the Pamir there was a state, called by the Sogdinians BLGAR, by the Arabs -BURGAR, and by the Tadziks – FALGAR. And to the West of the Pamir Indian sources (MAHABHARATA and the PURANAS) mention people of the name of BOLHI , BAHLIKA or BOLHIKI, ruled by the ancient king KARDAMA, and the Arab sources mention the ancient land of BALHARA. Some more details, suggested about a century ago by Prof. Vassil Zlatarski, are also of importance: round the mountain of Imeon there were, according to the Byzantine historian Agatius, the lands of the Kutrigurs, Utigurs and Vurugunds (presumably the Unogondurs). In the same region was situated the Onogur town of Bakat, according to Simokata. And lastly, the same region is the land of origin of the tribe of Kozagirs in whom Zlatarski, reasonably, sees the predecessors of the well known Bulgarian division “Kuchi-bulgar” like today’s Afghan Kuchis. All scholarly evidence of the lands of origin of ancient Bulgarians focuses on one and the same geographic region – the Pamir and the Hindukush. Attempts to look for the oldest lands of the Bulgarians fareast – in Turkestan and Mongolia, where lived the tribes PU-KU and BAIEGU, mentioned in Chinese sources, or near the Mongolian river Tolaand the lake Balhash, have failed. For behind the Chinese words Pu-Kuand Baiegu are hidden the Kirgiz tribes BUGU and MAIIRKU, who have nothing in common with the ancient Bulgarians. The name Tola in the eastern Altai languages means deep-water river , and Balhash in Tuvinian means literally “swamp, moor”. Fortunately there is a chronicle that has survived and it describes directly the land of origin of the Bulgarians in Europe. It was left by Mikhail the Syrian – Patriarch of Antiohia, called for his scholarly distinctionand erudition Mar Mikhail the Great. Here is what he says: “At those times there came from internal Skitia (Central Asia) three brothers,wholead with them 30 000 Skitians, and took the road of 60 days to the gorges of Imeon (Pamir and Hindukush) to the river Tanais (the Don),which flows into the lake of Meotida. Those people were named by the Romans Bulgars.” This short description, discovered by Vassil Zlatarski, shows that the lands of ancient Bulgarians were in the valleys of the Pamir and the Hindukush. Starting from there, in about 60 days they reached the river Don and the Azov sea. If we start in the opposite direction from the Don to the east, we can easily confirm the correctness of this short story. For it is true that in about 60 days one can reach on foot from the Don to the northern foots of the Pamir, where the old lands of BALGAR were, called even today by the local Tadziks PALGAR. After almost two centuries of research and the endeavors of many scholars the sacred fatherland of the Bulgarians was discovered. This land, so dear to us, was situated in the foots of the Pamir and the Hindukush, where since ancient times existed the states of BALGAR and BALHARA.

  6. # 19 2 beers Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 20:55
    “…….Пивовски тоа се ваши новини ваши научници вачи експедиции….”


    Буахахахахааааааааааааа :):) ПА ти бре си бил ГЕНИАЛАЦ!!! как позна, че са наши????

    Буахахахахаааааа :):) Е нема такъв цирк :)

    # 20 Андреј Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 20:56
    Еве ти бе шупак што напишала жената


    # 21 Андреј Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 20:58
    еве ти и за старобугарскиот да си научиш нешто


    Може после читањето ке правиш разлика од старословенскиот …

    # 22 2 beers Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 20:59
    “….И што ако бе Пивовски. Цела Македонија од Прилеп ли се изродила.. е глупердо една ..”

    Ами това бре, монголец, че кой къде се изродил у Прилеп ели у Монголия нито ни ентересирга, нито па има нещо общо ни с ЦЕЛА София, а ни с цел Пловдив. Аннадънму??

    Сеа ясно ли ти е защо сте МОНГОЛЦИ – черни, ниски и космати ели да цртааааааааам??

    # 23 Андреј Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 21:00
    Смрдат Пивовски, по тоа познав. Бугарските гомна исто смрдат кај и да се….

    # 24 2 beers Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 21:00

    Усфари така??

    Епа и ОЩЕ от Добрев:

    “Произход и език на КУБЕРОВИТЕ българи”

    Буахахахаааааа :) Сакааааааааааааааш уще от Добрев, корки??

    # 25 Андреј Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 21:03
    Не само Добрев, еве и овој може да ти објасни нешто


    # 26 Борис Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 21:04
    4-то място: Копие на султанската сабя, предадена на русите през Кримската война ))

  7. # 27 2 beers Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 21:05
    “….Еве ти бе шупак што напишала жената


    Aхааа, можело значи. И от кво се сТрамиш да я покажеш книгата бе, корки, може би от това:

    “…..Later, both through the Bulgarians of Odessa and Russians, the ideas reached people inside Bulgaria as well. Of crucial importance was the journey that the Russian scholar Viktor Grigorovič made through Macedonia in 1844-1845. He used his journey to gather ‘antiquities’: songs, but also manuscripts and coins. During a visit to village teacher Dimităr Miladinov in Macedonia, he ‘infected’ him with his curiosity, and Miladinov put himself the task of collecting more folk songs. He also changed his previously condescending attitude towards Bulgarian. Before the summer of 1857, it is said that Dimităr Miladinov entertained the children in the school of Prilep with stories about the Bulgarian history ..”

    Е зат’ва сте КОРКАЧИ, не за друго….

    # 28 Андреј Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 21:06
    Our evidence that agrees with the evidence of a great number of ancient chroniclers tells us that some time around 150 A.D. the people in Northern Afghanistan and southern Tadjikistan began a process of migration caused by the incursions of the so-called white Huns. After heavy battles with other peoples the Bulgarians withdrew from those lands and settled in the Caucasus. From there on we are familiar with the history of the Bulgarian people. They inhabited the lands in the Caucasian region and built their own cities and family clans. Khan Kubrat set up the Old Great Bulgaria, while his son Asparukh settled on the territory of present-day Bulgaria and founded the First Bulgarian Kingdom.

    # 29 2 beers Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 21:06
    “….еве ти и за старобугарскиот да си научиш нешто


    Може после читањето ке правиш разлика од старословенскиот ..”

    В текстът, който показваш НИКЪДЕ не се споменава “старобългарски”, ЦИГАНИН!

    # 30 2 beers Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 21:08
    “….They inhabited the lands in the Caucasian region and built their own cities and family clans. Khan Kubrat set up the Old Great Bulgaria, while his son Asparukh settled on the territory of present-day Bulgaria and founded the First Bulgarian Kingdom….”

    And what about his OTHER son – KUBER, korki??


    # 31 Андреј Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 21:08
    И каква веза има Григорович со вашето потекло. Рус како рус, требал да створи славјански карактер на бугарија. И отишол кај Миладионов. Што не отишол кај некој татар во сливен??

    # 32 Андреј Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 21:09
    Вториот син е виден кај Солун и никад вишеееее.

    # 33 Андреј Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 21:11
    Па тоа е старобугарски бе овцо една, зар треба да ти напишат дека е старобугарски. Не си го знаеш јазикот и треба да ти напишат ….

    И на блогерјов не пишува никаде сери, па ти сереш по цел ден …

  8. # 34 2 beers Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 21:11
    “….Не само Добрев, еве и овој може да ти објасни нешто


    Немаш грижи, корки, ето ти и от НЕГО:

    “…..Many attempts have been made to find in the three historical provinces of Moesia, Thrace and Macedonia some Slavic pottery, Slavic settlements, or even isolated Slavic dwellings, but the results are so far highly doubtful. Some scholars hastened to proclaim that the primitive, nonprofessional pottery, found in many Balkan areas, is the product of Slavs. However, such pottery was characteristic of the ancient Thracians as well, and the Romanian archaeologists appear right in their belief that this pottery belongs to the local ”Dridu” culture. 9

    The same by no means applies to the professional pottery and in this regard the professional pottery found in the lands of today’s Bulgaria and Macedonia is definitely similar, it not identical

    Practically none of the human skulls and skeletons that are found in Bulgaria or Macedonia have any Slavic features whatsoeve

    his division seems to correspond to the areas, once colonized by the Bulgarians under Asparukh on one hand, and by the Pannonian Bulgarians on the other. The presence of the ”ae” sound in ”Bulgar” or ”Protobulgarian” appears to be corroborated by such forms as ”belyazvam” and ”beleja” (”to mark”), whose ”Protobulgarian” character is a well established fact….”

    Още сакааааааааааааш, корки?

    # 35 2 beers Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 21:13
    “….И каква веза има Григорович со вашето потекло. Рус како рус, требал да створи славјански карактер на бугарија….”

    Корки, това е от книга, която ТИ, цитиргаааш, не аз. Оправяйте се в САНУ-МАНУ защо точно в Македония “стварал” славянски карактер, а не у Сливен. Може би защото у Сливен немало нужда , там и така си биле славяни, да?? Буахахахахаааа :):):)

    # 36 2 beers Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 21:14
    “…Вториот син е виден кај Солун и никад вишеееее….”

    Но не и у СОФИЯ, монголецо!

    # 37 Андреј Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 21:16
    Не бе шутрек во Сливен се татари и отишол у Македонија да собира податоци за животот на славјаните ….

    # 38 2 beers Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 21:16
    “…Па тоа е старобугарски бе овцо една, зар треба да ти напишат дека е старобугарски….”

    А демек баш САНУ-МАНУ знае кое кво е, а учените византолози и лингвисти пойма си немат, да? Па що не им кажете бре, коркачи? Буахахахахааааааа :):):):) Може и да ви …ПОВЕРВАТ кое кво е. На вас ТОЧНО ако не поверват, на кого??

    Буахахахахаааааааа :)

    # 39 Андреј Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 21:19
    Читај си фино, остави ја ти Македонија, го бараме вашето потекло


    Ама и вие си го барате…. Видиш човекот не напишал погоре Македонци и Македони. Го бара ВАШЕТО ПОТЕКЛО

  9. # 40 2 beers Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 21:19
    “…Не бе шутрек во Сливен се татари и отишол у Македонија да собира податоци за животот на славјаните …”

    Оо, да, как не се сетих, некой от Москва че оди баш у …. Монголия да събира “податоци” за славяните!!!

    Буахахахахаааааааа :):) Шкафот со лековите, лековите!!!!

    # 41 2 beers Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 21:22
    “….Читај си фино, остави ја ти Македонија, го бараме вашето потекло…”

    Мдаа, бе читам аз ФИНО, ама човекът навсекъде обаче, го БАРА вашето потекло!! Как предлагаш да го променим овой ФАКТ??? Където сте споменати вие 0 монголите се правиме на СЛЕПИ, да?? Като у добрите САНУ-МАНУ традиции, важит?? :)

  10. # 42 Андреј Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 21:22
    Немам потреба да им кажувам на византолозите и лингвистите, тие си знаат:

    Slavic philologists attach great importance to the name of this old language, since it directly indicates the modem language related to the linguistic basis of the language used by the Salonican Slavs, Old Church Slavonic. The older school of Slavic philologists (Fr. Miklosich and others) was of the opinion that the basis of this language was the Slovenian (the so-called Pannonian theory.) This assumption was based on the fact that the ancient Old Church Slavonic manuscript which is written in Latin-the Freising Fragments-contains some obviously Slovenian elements. More recent research has reliably proven that the language spoken by the Salonican Slavs was the basis of the Old Church Slavonic (the Macedonian theory). This is the reason why this language was designated by certain more concrete terms (the German “altbulgarisch,” for instance, introduced by August Leskien; the Bulgarian term, “starobalgarski,” etc., in order to express the fact that Old Church Slavonic belonged to the Old Bulgarian language, and so on). Because of the important role this language had in the Orthodox Church, terms like “AItkirchenslawisch” were introduced; the Czech term “staroslovsngtina,” is similar to the French “le vieux slave” and suggests the ancient origin of this Slavonic language. Bulgarian Slavists call it simply, “old Bulgarian.” This name, however, ties it too closely to the Bulgarian linguistic type and does not express its broader pan-Slavic importance. Moreover, this term creates difficulties with regard to the later development of the Bulgarian language itself in more recent periods. It would therefore be a mistake to connect this language with the notion of current linguistic differences in this area. The written Slavic language of the oldest period, approximately from the ninth to the eleventh century, is called Old Church Slavonic, whereas the language of the later period, beginning with the eleventh century, is called Church Slavonic. The more recent form of Old Church Slavonic, which penetrated from Great Moravia to other Slavs of other areas, received some elements of indigenous languages which are distinctly reflected in extant manuscripts. Thus we speak of the so-called “versions” or of Old Church Slavonic (the Czech, Bulgarian, Croatian, Russian, Serbian, etc.). Even this term is somewhat misleading, because the impression is given that only religious writing was done in those “versions.” Actually, works on the most varied subjects and themes were composed, and thus a very rich literature with a pan-Slavic character was created. Some Slavs used this written language until the most recent times, abandoning it only about the middle of the nineteenth century, to replace it by their native written language (as the Southern Slavs have done, for instance.) The development of this language and literature is very complex and differs in individual countries. The fact remains that an enormous literature was preserved, which is to be found in manuscripts, old printed books, etc. Thus, the desire of the brothers from Salonica, Constantine and Methodius, to establish a great Slavonic literature was fulfilled. As for the alphabet, the most ancient Old Church Slavonic texts were written in the so-called Glagolotic; the newer Old Church Slavonic and Church Slavonic texts, in the Cyrillic alphabet.

  11. # 43 Андреј Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 21:23
    Само глупоста на 2Beers останува за сигурно бесконечна …

    # 44 2 beers Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 21:25
    Начи кво предлага САНУ-МАНУ. Примерно книгата на Добрев “Произход и език на Куберовите българи” я четем така:

    1. Въобще не я четем;
    2. Четем я, но където пише “Кубер” четем “Обама”;
    3. Където пише Битоля четем “Ванкувър”;


    Буахахахахахахааааа :):)

    # 45 2 beers Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 21:27
    “…Thus we speak of the so-called “versions” or of Old Church Slavonic (the Czech, Bulgarian, Croatian, Russian, Serbian, etc.)…”

    Е о.к., къв ти е проблема?? Нещо неясно??

    Bulgarian is a version of OCS, whereas FYROMIAN is e recent mix of Turkish and Serbian. Period.

    # 46 astrostoper Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 21:30
    koj debilski post

    # 47 2 beers Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 21:37
    За корки предлагам утешителната награда! И му плащам 100 евра за снимка на султанската сабя :) Корки, навит ли си?

    # 48 astrostoper Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 21:41
    ajde sicki na red
    vreme vi za terapija
    sicki ste bugari a tova e losha dijagnoza
    da se rodite povtorno ne mozete , znaci pijte lekovi
    toa vi e ednina sansa da ja ublazite katastrofata
    aj na red i ne se gurajte pacienti

    # 49 astrostoper Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 21:42
    aj sega da ve vidam korkaci koj me brise

    # 50 Борис Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 22:19
    това с “лековите” може ли да бъде прието за нов отговор или е вариант на някой от съществуващите?

    # 51 Борис Says:
    декември 19th, 2010 at 23:21
    Какво има, да не би наградите да са малки, та не участвате? ))

  12. # 52 allenobrili Says:
    февруари 3rd, 2012 at 14:15
    Здраво на сите ! Имам свој експериментални сајт (не работат сеуште), vihren.blog.mk Сум видел сите интернет . Го прават или умре, момци ! or http://sites.google.com/site/weightlossy/ – , RSOR – 1726 u003cpu003e Исхрана и мирна уживаат вашето домашно милениче храна вина деблокирање u003c/ p u003e
    за внимание ви се заблагодарам

    # 53 Борис Says:
    февруари 5th, 2012 at 11:40
    И ние ти се заблагодариме за внимението, allenobrili
